How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship: Help is Available and You are Not Alone
Every single one of us will experience some type of traumatic event in our lives. Whether it’s the loss of someone important, or loss of yourself due to sexual violence – traumatic events happen. Trauma survivors benefit from patience, understanding, and empathy and this is what I provide them. Healing cannot be rushed, so let’s work together for however long it takes to help you feel in control again. Trauma is something that happened to you, but it does not define you. You are so much more than your trauma and deserve to know and understand yourself, so you find the clarity you once had.
As someone who has experienced complex trauma herself, I can attest to the winding road ahead. My trauma provided me with an inside view to the difficulty some experience in healing from their own traumatic experiences. I don't share this with you to gain any sympathy - instead I share this with you to let you know that you are not alone in this fight and it's possible to win.
One in four – that’s the number of people with vaginas have experienced sexual assault in their lifetime. It is so common, and yet not talked about nearly enough. Being a victim of sexual violence, assault, abuse, and harassment strips you of your very being. You can feel as if you are just a shadow of the person you were before. And a lot of the time, you feel anger. Anger towards the perpetrator, the circumstances which led to it, and anger towards yourself. I’m here to remind you that sexual trauma is never the victim’s fault, and it is my hope in working with you I can help you heal, restore your identity, and take back control of your life. I hope to be next to you in your journey from victim to survivor.
Losing someone important in life is one of the worst kinds of pain. Whether it happens suddenly or after a long sickness, those of us left behind feel a rush of different emotions, often with no control of when they come. Everyone grieves differently – by this I mean some people get angry more often, others may get depressed, while others may go on as if they are not affected at all (for some time at least).
Grief can feel complicated, messy, difficult, and sometimes – impossible to overcome. The one thing a person suffering from loss does not have to feel or be, is lonely. I will be your partner who will not only support you in times of sadness but push you to grow and look at yourself and the effects of grief in a deeper and more meaningful way.
Healing childhood trauma as adults is tricky in it’s own right. Childhood trauma manifests in adults in various ways, including: anger, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, night terrors, lack of energy, and poor concentration among many others. It can impact your adult relationships due to the shame and/or guilt a survivor might feel and leave you feeling disconnected to even the closest of your family and friends. Childhood trauma gives no warning before it shows up and starts wreaking havoc in your life. The connection to our childhood trauma can come out in obvious ways, like being extra mindful to not physically punish your own children due to your own experiences with corporal punishment. And some subconscious ways like finding it hard to sleep or having little patience around the death anniversary or birthday of a deceased parent/family member/friend. Allow me to assist and encourage your inner child to walk towards your trauma and not away with it to begin your healing odyssey.